![]() Join In Online for FREE newsletters about the wisdom traditions, updates about FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. View Our Latest Free Movie: The Call The World Sound Healing Organization is a non profit organization, uniting with organizations world wide, to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders, and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines worldwide, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. ![]() FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. Invite Your Friends Live worldwide web broadcast of these events is sponsored by The World Sound Healing Organization Follow this link for a viewing of our f/ree on line video, The Call, a stirring 8 minute tribute reminding us of the Beauty, Sanctity, and Oneness of All Life. Join our broadcasts of many luminous teachers in the field of human consciousness, and traditional elders of indigenous wisdom. Do what you can to serve this magnificent Earth, to preserve and protect Her, and Her many Peoples, and to help in this time of great Human Transformation. Share this program message with others. We thank you, www.allonenow.org The
power of sound touches and moves us deeply because we are
vibrational beings in nature. Cultures the world over use sound
to attune, invoke, and transform consciousness.
integrating prayer, song, and chant, with clarity and intent, we
can create a magical framework of healing potential for us and the
planet. We have the power to transform.
We are uniting with organizations world wide to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. (See our Home or Future Events & Hosts and Guests page for complete listings.) If you can assist our efforts, by making any contribution, we are deeply grateful. It will insure that these and other services, including our free web casts, continue! We volunteer our time, equipment, and services to provide these for you. Contribute on line, or by phone or mail: http://www.worldsoundhealing.org/keepinformed.php Your contributions are tax deductible! We thank you immensely! Your Host for All One Now Broadcasts: |
San Francisco - Clarion Hotel May 2 through 5, 2008 Global Sound Conference 2008 May 9-12, 2008 Marina del Rey Marriott Marina del Rey, CA Science,Spirituality, and Sound
The Third Annual
Conference of
THE SOUND HEALING NETWORK (SHN) Friday through Sunday, October 31, November 1-2, 2008 at the Rowe Conference Center, Rowe, MA The Globe Sound Healing Conference ![]() San Francisco - Clarion Hotel May 2 through 5, 2008 Presented by The Globe Institute 739 Bryant Street San Francisco CA 94107 (415) 777-2HUM (800) 9000-MIX Keynote
Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, Dr. Gary Schwartz, David Gibson, Don Campbell, Lisa Rafel, Christina Tourin, Pierre Sollier, Master Zhi Gang Sha.
Acutonics, Richard Feather Anderson, Joel Andrews, Astarius, Elizabeth Bauer, Zacciah Blackburn, Juliet Carter (The Template), John Consemulder, Vaughn Cook (Zyto), Mandara Cromwell, Bob Dratch, Don Estes, Stuart Grace Greene, Susan Hale, Steven Halpern, David Hickey, Alan Howarth, Michael Kessler, Daniel Kobialka, Nestor Kornblum & Michele Averard, Harry Massey (Nutri-Energetics Systems), Howard Martin (Heartmath), Silvia Nakkach, Steve Sklar, Silvina Vergara, Beverly Ann Wilson. All Access Pass is $435 until March 15th. Go to www.SoundHealingCenter.com/sfconf/register.html to register and see prices for Post Conference Workshops and Concerts.
The primary goal of The Globe Sound Healing Conference is to increase
awareness among the general public in regard to the benefit of sound
healing as a wellness tool. The Conference brings together an
impressive array of industry professionals to address important issues
and topics in the rapidly expanding field of sound healing, the use of
natural sound healing instruments, cutting edge sound technologies, and
sound in medicine. These knowledgeable veterans will discuss and
demonstrate how to use sound to help heal the body, mind and spirit,
and attendees will be able to experience these technologies. From
simple relaxation CD's to complex engineered sounds and experimental
medical techniques, each of our experts will be showing what makes them
a leader in the field.
Some of the cutting edge sound technologies and medical equipment include: units that use the sound of the voice as a diagnostic tool, sound chairs and tables that use low frequencies to massage organs inside the body, units that use sounds, electronic stimulation, scalar waves, shape, color, electromagnetic frequencies, and magnetics to stimulate muscles, organs, bones, brain cells, and DNA. These units can also aid in cell regeneration, pain relief, detoxification, and increased energy levels. Other technologies include systems that infuse water with healing sounds, units that visualize the structure of sound inside the body, and Virtual Reality healing systems where you can step into a graphic of your own body then place sounds and healing visuals inside various muscles, organs, and endocrine glands. Even more importantly we have a wide array of presenters who will discussing how to use sound to raise consciousness. Come join us as we share information, and connect to each other through sound. Our intention is to explore leading soundwork techniques, encourage collaboration among pioneering sound practitioners, and build bridges into mainstream medicine. Some of the workshops and panels will focus on the following: 1. Leading Sound Healing Technologies 2. Bringing Sound into the Medical Field 3. Natural Sound Healing Instruments 4. Sound and Energy Medicine Technology
5. Sound and Research
6. Sound, Music and the Brain - A group of Researchers, Doctors and
Professors discuss the current research and information on how the
brain is affected by Sound and Music.
7. Raising the Consciousness of the Planet through Sound
Evening Concerts, & Much More Discover The Power of Sound Global Sound Conference 2008 Date: May 9-12, 2008 Location: Marina del Rey Marriott Marina del Rey, CA Register Here Online Call: (415) 256 8199 The upcoming Global Sound Conference, is a unique event that will bring together key individuals from the Music, Film and Television industries with Pioneers in the areas of Wellness, Sound Healing, and Integrative Medicine to explore the many ways that sound affects our lives. Contributing to the event is an amazing lineup of doctors, scientists, musicians, and media visionaries who will address the various components of sound including Health, Science, Entertainment, and Technology. Featuring: ![]() Sheila Chandra, Stanley Jordan, Rickie Byars Beckwith & Agape International Choir, Yungchen Lhamo & Greg Ellis, Shiva Rea, Joshua Leeds, Steven Halpern, Jonathan Goldman, Fabien Maman, Marilyn Schlitz, Silvia Nakkach, Dr. Maoshing Ni, Don Estes, Kimba Arem, Zacciah Blackburn, Dorinne Davis, Chloe Goodchild, Jeff Strong, Richard Rudis, Christina Tourin, Jeff Volk, William Jones, Suzanne Sterling, David Hickey, Amrita Cottrell, Billie Thompson, Silvina Vergara, Ganga White, Parker Johnson, Michael Gosney, Alan Howarth, Jimmy Leslie, Raoul Goff, Peggy Black, Rara Avis, Jennifer Coffee, Frank Serafine, Sean Ahern, Steve Wagner, Arthur Harvey, Arthur Hull, Lisa Rafel, Bill Scott, Sheila Smith, Manny Otto and more... The goal of
the event is to give the audience a more sophisticated understanding of
the power of sound and to discuss the many ways that we can use sound
to improve our world
Science,Spirituality, and Sound
The Third Annual
Conference of
THE SOUND HEALING NETWORK (SHN) (Formerly, the New England Sound Healing Research Institute (NESHRI) Friday through Sunday, October 31, November 1-2, 2008 at the Rowe Conference Center, Rowe, MA Location: Rowe Camp & Conference Center, Rowe, Massachusetts With Dr.
Molly Scott, Dr. John Beaulieu, Jeff Volk, Silvia Nakkach, Amrita
Cottrell, Susie Nelson Smith, and others. For those who did not attend our last conference at the Rowe Center... This facility offers tremendous support, energy, and enthusiasm, for sound healing, and our vision of sound healing communities connecting and sharing wisdom from around the globe. This year we are setting the Intention for an even more profound gathering, discovery, and awakening of kindred spirits, to deepen our wisdom together. (Image Credit: Harmonic "soundform" from Cymatics:A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration © 2001 MACROmedia Used by Permission. www.cymaticsource.com ) *************************************************************** The World Sound Healing Organization is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization project of Spectrum Arts and Education for Peace, inc., dedicated to world peace. Your tax-deductible donations, memberships, volunteer assistance, and respect for each other, are highly appreciated, and will insure the continuation of these services. _____________________________ |