![]() Join In Online for FREE newsletters about the wisdom traditions, updates about FREE Streamed Soundings, Especially the weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. View our latest free short Movie About your hosts: Zacciah Blackburn and Annie B. Bond of the World Sound Healing Organization, invite you to explore these pages to learn about us, and our guests. The World Sound Healing Organization is a non profit organization, uniting with organizations world wide, to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders, and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines worldwide, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. ![]() FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. Invite Your Friends Live worldwide web broadcast of these events are sponsored by The World Sound Healing Organization Our Hosts Zacciah Blackburn and Annie B. Bond of the World Sound Healing Organization offer their bios. Your Host for All One Now Broadcasts: |
Guests For archived broadcasts of our
guests, click on their name. The link will take
you to their page, with a link to their broadcast archive. (Not
all presenters are archived.) Check back with us for future high
profile presentations. ![]() Grandfather William Commanda, is one of the most respected Spiritual Elders of Native American Peoples. He is high elder of the Algonquin peoples. He is keeper of the sacred Seven Fires Prophecy belt, a pre-Columbian artifact holding the stories of his peoples prophetic visions of the times yet to come, those times which are unfolding in our age. It is his wisdom, strength, and courage, which brings him to his own people, to the United Nations, and to peoples worldwide, to address the real need for love, compassion and understanding between all peoples, to allow us to enter the next eon of human existence. www.circleofallnations.com ![]() Ven. Dhyani was trained to carry the ancestral traditions beginning in early childhood, under the direction of her grandparents and elders. Tthey passed to Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo the spiritual duty and blessing to carry the traditions on which her work and teachings are based. She is also chief of the Green Mountain Ani Yunwiwa, a recognized Tibetan Dharma Center, and director of Beauty Way Productions, which offers her teachings via seminars and personal consultation. Sunray Meditation Society: www.sunray.org Beauty Way Productions: www.beautywayproductions.com Photo Courtesy: Jamie Rodriguez ![]() Angaangaq is an Eskimo (Inuk) elder whose family belongs to the healers and wisdom keepers of the Far North from Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland. He is an Elder of the Canadian-based Four Worlds International Institute for Human and Community Development, a Member of the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality, The World Wisdom Council , & The World Council of Elders and Elder of Tribal Link Foundation, Inc. Web Site: http://www.icewisdom.com
![]() The Chopra Center: http://www.chopra.com/ The Alliance for a New Humanity: http://www.anhglobal.org/
Web Site: http://www.thank-water.net/english/index.html ![]() Marianne Williamson Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. She has published nine books, four of which - including the mega bestseller A Return to Love and Everyday Grace - have been #1 New York Times bestsellers. Ms. Williamson has been a popular guest on numerous television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, and Charlie Rose. In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. Today, Project Angel Food serves over 1,000 people daily. www.marianne.com Ms.
Williamson also founded the The
Peace Alliance,
an international network of peace activists. The mission of The Peace
Alliance is to harness the power of nonviolence as a social force for
good. The Peace Alliance is currently steering the campaign to
establish a United States Department of Peace. ![]() Don Campbell is a recognized authority on the transformative power of music, listening, and The Mozart Effect®. Don is the author of 18 books, including the 1997 best-seller, The Mozart Effect. He has also produced 17 albums, including the accompanying Music for the Mozart Effectadults and children, which dominated the classical Billboard charts in 1998 and 1999. In addition, he is a leading lecturer and consultant to organizations ranging from corporations to parenting groups to symphony orchestras on how music can affect learning, healing, and other aspects of our lives. Websites: http://mozarteffect.com/ http://www.aestheticas.net/ ![]() Mitchell L. Gaynor, M.D., is Founder and President of Gaynor Integrative Oncology and Clinical Assistant, Professor of Medicine at Weill Medical College, affiliated with Cornell University and New York Hospital. He has held the position of Director of Medical Oncology at The Strang Cancer Prevention Center where he still serves as a consultant. He is also former Medical Director and Director of Medical Oncology at the Weill-Cornell Medical Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine. He is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American College of Physicians, and the New York Academy of Sciences. Dr. Gaynor is the best selling author of four books and a CD. His website is http://www.gaynoroncology.com/ Also, see www.drgaynor.com ![]() Website: http://www.jillpurce.com/ ![]() Website: www.healingsounds.com. ![]() ![]() Iasos (pronounced ya' sos) is a
Music Creator, specializing in celestial, heavenly,
inter-dimensional music. He is also one of the original
founders of "New Age" music.
His work spans 3 decades of conscious creation of Healing Music. With numerous honors to his name, he has created an extraordinary list of CD's and Videos of his work. He has countlessly performed in concert halls, conferences and music festivals, radio, TV, and more, and continues to do so to this day. His music has been used in movies, and by NASA, LAZARIS, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, LASERIUM, and HEWLETT PACKARD, as well as by numerous hospitals, health clinics, therapists, mental health clinics, and surgeons throughout the world. See and hear his work at www.iasos.com
![]() Steven Halpern
is one of the world's leading composers and recording artists of music for relaxation, wellness and “sound health.” For over 30 years, he has pioneered and promoted the healing powers of music through his recordings, books, media appearances and workshops. In 1971, Halpern began his pioneering research exploring sound, consciousness and healing using brainwave biofeedback and Kirlian (aura) photography. Steven Halpern, Ph.D. is the author of Sound Health (Harper & Row, 1985), numerous articles and a syndicated monthly newsletter. Steven’s music has been heard on CBS’s 48 Hours, ABC’s 20/20, Oprah and John Bradshaw’s PBS-TV series, “Homecoming and Creating Love”. He has produced over 60 recordings in the Inner Peace® and Soundwave 2000™ Subliminal self-help series. http://www.innerpeacemusic.com/ ______________ ![]() Juan Nunez del Prado is an anthropologist and Andean Priest and will be discussing Inca traditions. Juan has studied Andean tradition for 34 years and has trained with Q'ero priests. His father, anthropologist Oscar, Nunez Del Prado, "discovered" the Q'ero Indians--direct descendants of the Inkas-- in 1949 and led the first expedition to their villages in 1955. Juan has been gathering the Inka prophecies for many years, and is a highly respected international teacher, a practicing 4th level paqo and chumpi master in the Andean traditions. For information on his programs. _______________________________ ![]() Jonathan & Andi Goldman: Jonathan is an internationally acclaimed teacher, recording artist, author, and Director of the Sound Healing Association. Healing Sounds pioneer Jonathan and his wife, noted psychotherapist Andi, authors of the newly released TANTRA OF SOUND, will discuss the nature of sacred relationship, the power of sound and consciousness to heal and transform. Web Site: www.healingsounds.com ![]() Zacciah Blackburn is a sound healer, and flutemaker, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures, maintaining a practice in Ascutney, VT, USA, at the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies. He is Director of Education at the New England Sound Healing Research Institute. And, he is a co-founder & Director of Programming for the World Sound Healing Organization, and the All One Now networks. Zacciah is our program host, and occasionally offers Sacred Sound Ceremonies as part of our programming. Web Site: www.thecenteroflight.net
![]() Spiritual Wisdom Keeper of the Ancient Otomi Olmec Toltec Teotihuacan Peoples As founder of the
Thaayrohyadi's work may be viewed at http://universidadindigena.org/uii/ ![]() The Maya use the word "Maya" (vs Mayan) when speaking of their tribe. An Aj'q'ij is an indigenous Maya lineage carrier whom has mastered the extensive scientific and humanistic ancestral Cosmovision of his or her tribe. The Maya elders are giving the teachings relevant to the Earth changing energies, and which relate directly to the times we are in. The Mam peoples are the Knowledge Keepers. You may find her contact information at her All One Now web page. ![]() Maria Teresa has a wealth of knowledge in Meso-American wisdom, myths, and traditional forms of indigenous medicine and healing. As a multi-lingual “bridge” person she travels throughout the United States, Mexico, and Central America. You may find her contact information at her All One Now web page. ![]() She has compiled one of the most extensive resource materials in the field of Sound Healing: "The Encyclopedia of Sound: A Researcher's Guide to Sound and Music in the Healing Arts and Sciences" and "The Dictionary of Sound: The Dictionary of Sound: A Practical Glossary of Sound and Music in the Healing Arts and Sciences," due to be published in Spring, 2007. Web Site: http://www.healingmusic.org ![]() Jodi Serota is a life-changing metaphysical educator, channel, vibrational healer and professional artist. Her in-depth intuitive abilities and her remarkable sound healing powers are used to create initiations and activations which instantly make major shifts in consciousness and healing. She holds individual sessions, teaches classes and creates multi-media concerts and events for personal growth, transformation & the creative process. Web Site: http://metacenterny.com/ ![]() Eliana Gilad is an internationally recognized composer of healing music and founder of the Voices of Eden Healing Music and Peace Center in the Galilee, Israel. As an expert in the conscious use of voice and rhythm as natural healing instruments, her unique wordless music has been medically researched. It also increases focus and quality of sleep. Gilad is a frequent keynote presenter and performer at healing music, medical, and peace conferences throughout the North America and Europe. Web Site: http:www.voicesofeden.com ![]() Glenn Broughton has studied and coursed the ancient earth ley lines and sacred sites of England for dozens of years. He is a specialist in the Crop Circle phenomena which occurs near many of the ancient Stone sites, springs, and other holy places of the ancient peoples of England. He has been a tour guide for ten years, published various articles on sacred sites and crop circles, is a popular presenter at international conferences, and hosts an intenational Crop Circle Conference in Vermont each fall. See www.sacredbritain.com
the Universal Studio movie "Patch Adams" was released, I wondered what
to do with fame. Our system of "people fame" values self-centeredness
and wealth. I want to live in a world where people become famous
because of their work for peace and justice and care. I want the famous
to be inspiring; their lives an example of what every human being has
it in them to do — act from love! www.patchadams.org Dr. Adams joined us from the World Peace Prayer Society Imagine Peace Festival 2005. |
![]() NESHRI is now the Sound Healing Network, and their work is at www.soundhealingnetwork.org ![]() |