![]() Join In Online for FREE newsletters about the wisdom traditions, updates about FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. View Our Latest Free Movie: The Call All One Now is a venture of: The World Sound Healing Organization, a non profit organization, uniting with organizations world wide, to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders, and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines worldwide, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. ![]() FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. Invite Your Friends Live worldwide web broadcast of these events is sponsored by The World Sound Healing Organization Follow this link for a viewing of our f/ree on line video, The Call, a stirring 8 minute tribute reminding us of the Beauty, Sanctity, and Oneness of All Life. Join our broadcasts of many luminous teachers in the field of human consciousness, and traditional elders of indigenous wisdom. See Upcoming Events for all programs. Dec 19-21, 2006 was our Feast of Dreams, with prominent elders of the North American First Nations peoples. Follow the links to archived events. Do what you can to serve this magnificent Earth, to preserve and protect Her, and Her many Peoples, and to help in this time of great Human Transformation. Share this program message with others. We thank you, www.allonenow.org |
Join us in a joint Live
Free Interactive Teleconference or www.allonenow.org webcast,
(call in, or listen on line)
with Internationally known Sound Healer: ![]()
Integrating Sound Healing with Music Healing Join us with this provocative leader in the sound healing field!
You may listen live at the webcast or join us in the Teleconference call If you couldn't join us in the live Broadcast with Silvia, you may listen to the Archive here. For the current live broadcast, click here & login.
Silvia Nakkach
The Ineffability of the Heart in Healing; Rupture, Transcendence, and Transformation through Melody and Chant - Silvia Nakkach, M.A.,MMT Healing with sound is more than just a change of melodies and chants, it is about a change of heart. Embark on an inspiring exploration of the architecture of the music that we create to accomplish the main goals of all sound therapies: to lessen pain and suffering, to balance brain functions, and to quiet the mind making it permeable to divine intervention. In an attempt to shed new light on the affective power of sound and music, we explore the ancient concepts of raga (that melody which colors the mind), and rasa (mood, a sentiment that gives flavor to the mind), introducing the expression of spiritual melodicism, resonant harmonies and hovering rhythms, with special attention given to melody as medicine. The practice of these essential musical concepts can refine the practitioner’s auditory and therapeutic sensitivity, improving the capacity to release stress and fear. In particular we will examine melody’s potential to connect with archetypal consciousness, emotional nature, and magic, by conveying profound sentiments through the inscrutable power of rasa. The evolution of the art of sound healing may depend on deepening cross-cultural sophistication and the conscious treatment of musical structure with a spiritual emphasis. By experiencing the devotional nature of music we open our hearts to the deep longing of the enchanters, those who journey through the magic of sound to attract the spirit power. GOALS: • To revitalize the understanding of the therapeutic potential of sound and music to transform emotional states, by exploring the architecture of melody (raga) and the nine rasas of Indian art; aesthetic sentiments such as love, peace, joy, fear, devotion, wonder, aversion, heroism, and compassion. • To learn about the medicinal potential of the Indian ragas as divinely inspired tonal arrangements, their acoustic ability to colour the mind of the listener with a particular emotion that stimulates brain and heart activity. • To identify particular intervals and melodies that can facilitate relaxation, concentration, strengthen vitality, balance nervous system, alleviate pain, and enhance perceptional functions (sensation, reception, feeling, transmission and expression). • To relate the underlying healing potential between modern microtonal musical architecture and the enchanting melodies of the sacred Eastern musical traditions. Silvia Nakkach
M.A.,MMT; is an
award-winning composer, a psychologist, a singer, a recording artist,
and an author. She is an internationally accredited specialist in
cross-cultural music therapy training, and a pioneer in the field of
sound, transformation of consciousness, and music shamanism. She has
created the curriculum and is the academic advisor for the new
certificate program on Sound, Voice and Music Healing
at CIIS. Nakkach is also the founding director of the international Vox
Mundi School of the Voice and The Yoga of the
Voice™ training. Silvia has devoted 25 years to the study of the art
of raga singing under the direction of Maestro Ali Akbar Khan, and has
been involved in clinical research in the areas of micro-tonal singing
and systematic uses of the voice to induce emotional healing, creating
an innovated repertoire of cross-cultural vocal techniques that become
a landmark in the field of sound, music therapy, and voice coaching.
She was named by Utne Reader magazine as one of forty
cutting-edge artists that will shake the art world in the new
millennium. visit www.voxmundiproject.com *********************************************************************
Now is a venture of the The World Sound Healing
Organization, in co-operation with individuals and
organizations seeking positive change for all humanity. The World Sound Healing Organization is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization project of Spectrum Arts and Education for Peace, inc., dedicated to world peace. Your tax-deductible donations, memberships, volunteer assistance, and respect for each other, are highly appreciated.
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