PAST AND ARCHIVED EVENTS BELOW, in this column. ![]() View Our Latest Short Movie: The Call Join In for FREE newsletters about the wisdom traditions, updates about FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, Especially The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. Invite Your Friends Live worldwide web broadcast of these events are sponsored by The World Sound Healing Organization and our associates. The
power of sound touches and moves us deeply because we are
vibrational beings in nature.
Cultures the world over use sound to attune, invoke, and transform consciousness. By
integrating prayer, song, chant, with clarity
and intent, we can create a magical framework of healing potential for us and the planet.We have the power to transform. We are uniting with organizations world wide, to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders, and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines worldwide, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. (See the Hosts and Guests page for complete listings.) If you can assist our efforts, by making any contribution, we are deeply grateful. It will insure that these and other services, including our free web casts, continue! We volunteer our time, equipment, and services to provide these for you. Contribute on line, or by phone or mail: Your contributions are tax deductible! We thank you immensely! Your Host for All One Now Broadcasts: ![]() ![]() From the First Churches Sancturay, Our Inaugural Events June, 2005 Our first World Sound Healing Broadcast was sent out from the First Churches Sanctuary, as part of the New England Sound Healing Research Institute's 2nd Annual Conference, the Science and Spirit of Sound, June, 2005, in Northampton, MA. PAST & ARCHIVED EVENTS: Most broadcasts are archived soon after their broadcast. By date: 2005, 2006, 2006Addl, 2007, 2007Addl For Archived Broadcasts, click on each link for information on the presenter, and the link to their archive.
ARCHIVED 2006 EVENTS, LINKS ARE BELOW: The All One Now Network was deeply honored to offer: A Feast of Dreams: Our Winter Solstice Celebration, 2006: With the remarkable teachings of three most respected elders of the Indigenous Nations of the Northern Hemisphere: This time, when the sun
passes through the shortest
days, when, during the longest of nights, "Mother Earth enters the
dreamtime that links the
past and the present and the future, when she weaves the potential of
the future from the deeds and the visions of the ancestors1," let us join
together with the wisdom keepers and
elders of the indigenous peoples of this 'Turtle Island', to
the path ways we might take, to come to deeper understanding within
ourself, to renew our vision, to bear a path of compassion and harmony
upon the face of the Earth, for all peoples to live in joy, freedom,
peace, and human understanding.
![]() 7:30 PM EST, (+5 GMT) for an interview with Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo, respected 27th Generation Cherokee healer and wisdom keeper. For additional information on each program, and archival links, click on each link. ![]() Wednesday, December 20, 2006, at 8:30 PM EST. (5:30 PST), (+ 5GMT). Grandfather Commanda, is one of the most respected Spiritual Elders of Native American Peoples. He is keeper of the sacred Seven Fires Prophecy belt, and creator of the Circle of All Nations. ![]() Wednesday, December 20, 2006, at 7:00 PM EST. (4:00 PST), (+ 5GMT). Angaangaq is an Eskimo (Inuk) elder whose family belongs to the healers and wisdom keepers of the Far North from Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland. He is an Elder of the Canadian-based Four Worlds International Institute for Human and Community Development, a Member of the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality, The World Wisdom Council , & The World Council of Elders and Elder of Tribal Link Foundation, Inc. Join us for these remarkable Wisdom Keepers' teachings. ![]() with world renowned leader in the field of human consciousness, Deepak Chopra, click here for the Archive of the program. Exploring the current human dilemma, and possibilities for real social change, human growth, and sustainability in our environment. ARCHIVED 2007 EVENTS: Monthly F/ree live Webcasts and Teleconferences are being offered** with Internationally Acclaimed Sound Healers: Don Campbell, (Archive here) famous for his work with The Mozart Effect will speak on: ![]()
Additional 2007 Archived events are in right column, also.>>>> ![]() Sound Healers across the
globe for the
Our 2007 Spring Equinox Programs we were honored to have with us: the Wisdom of the Americas: First, on the Council of the 13 Grandmothers ![]() whom serves as a personal assistant and interpreter to Julieta Casimiro, Mazatec Elder of The Council of Thirteen Grandmothers speaking of the work of the Thirteen Grandmothers, and of the prophecies & Plant Medicines of the Central Americas. IF you couldn't join us in the live Broadcast with Maria Teresa, you may listen to the Archive here. Tuesday, March 20, Spring Equinox, We hosted: ![]() Mercedes Longfellow a Maya Aj'q'ij (ahk qik) (elder,) from the Maya Mam people of Guatemala. IF you couldn't join us in the live Broadcast with Mercedes, you may listen to the Archive here. The Sacred Maya Cholqij CalendarMercedes will speak of her lineage and wisdom teachings.
Integrating Sound Healing with Music Healing If you couldn't join us in the live Broadcast with Silvia, you may listen to the Archive here. ![]() Oncologist and Sound Healer Tuesday, May 22, 2007, 8:30 PM Curing Cancer with Sound Therapies If you missed the Broadcast with Dr. Gaynor, click here and you may listen now.
![]() IASOS, & The Realms of Celestial Music a true pioneer in the field of sound & music healing Joint Teleconference and Simultaneous Free WebCast Tuesday, June 12, 2007, @ 8:30 PM EST
Tuesday, June 12 @ 8:30 PM EST Additional 2007 Archived events in right column>>>> Our 2006 Events
included, not archived:
Dr. Masaru Emoto, innovative scientist, whose research has shown the power of water to hold consciousness, From the Wake the Lake, Healing Waters of the World event, Lake Champlain, Burlington, Vermont, May 13, 2006 Watch for our archived interview with Dr. Emoto, and streaming videos to be announced. July 27, 2006 from Israel Dr. Emoto and Eliana Gilad, with the Voices of Eden, from the Sea of Galilee Sounding World Peace, Healing the Waters Cancelled due to war in the Middle East Sept 21, 2006 MANY VOICES, One Peace: WORLD SOUND HEALING program from NYC. Sound Healer Eliana Gilad of Voices of Eden, a renowned sound healer of that region, striving to bring her work to enhance peace between cultures, as well as in childrens's hospitals, and more, was to host that event with us. She will join Jodi Serota and Zacciah Blackburn at the MetaCenter in NYC for a live World Sound Healing Event and Broadcast,Thursday, Sept 21, in conjunction with the UN International Day of Peace. Broadcast 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM 2005 Events The Summer Solstice: The Festival of Joy Events June 21-26th, 2005 June 21-24 Live broadcasts with Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Tom Kenyon, Grandmother Pa'ris'ha, Däbädi Thaayrohyadi, Ruby Gibson, and Zacciah Blackburn 4:30 PM- 6:20 PM Live World Sound Healing Service: The World is Sound The World Sound Healing Organization, begins its live web broadcast of world healing ceremonies with: 4:30 PM: Christopher Kavi Carbone: Kirtan, Ecstatic Chanting (Hindu) 4:44 PM Live Web Broadcast begins, with continuation of Kirtan Ecstatic Chanting 5:00- 6:20 PM All One Now broadcast continues with the 2005 hosts of The World Puja Network, the World Sound Healing Organization, and NESHRI sharing their vision of world healing, then inviting the audience present, and live worldwide, to participate in sacred world sound healing ceremonies. Hosted by Lee Hanks and Guenter Herold (with The World Puja network in 2005), and Annie Bond and Zacciah Blackburn of World Sound. Invocations: Däbädi Thaayrohyadi, Miriam O’Mahony, Ruby Gibson, Zacciah Blackburn Personal attunements with Sacred Sound: Kevin Michael Participatory Earth Healing Ceremonies, With Zacciah and Thaaryohyadi, and audience participation 6:20 Broadcast ends: Dabadi Thaayrohyadi, Kevin Michael, Zacciah Blackburn, and members of World Puja, World Sound Healing Organization, and NESHRI Our September, 2005 Events: Planting the Seeds of Peace September 11 - From the Temple of the Sun, Cusco, Peru Schedule
of LIVE Broadcasts, all times Eastern Daylight Time Sept 17 5-6 pm EDT Opening Ceremonies and Interviews Sept 18 11 am - 3 pm, 6 - 7 pm 11 am - Chief Joseph Swamp gives Invocation 12 pm - Dr. Patch Adams on "What is Your Love Strategy?" 1:15 pm - Marianne Williamson on "Creating a Department of Peace" 2 pm - Interviews 6 pm - Closing Ceremonies with Reverend Charles Gibbs on "The Great Peace March for Global Disarmament" 6:30 pm - World Sound Healing ceremony with Zacciah Blackburn September 18th - Broadcast from Central Park, NY for Int'l
Week of Peace
September 21, 2005 METACenter LIVE Broadcast Honoring the 24 hour Peace Vigil New York City Broadcast from 6 - 8 pm, Since 2001
September 21st has been appointed by the
United Nations as a "Cease Fire Day" or International Day of Peace. It
has been dedicated as a day for everyone around the planet to gather in
harmony, balance, mutual cooperation and celebration to model peace
through a collective focus of unity consciousness and love. Come
participate with us, as we gather in this collective,
co-creation to unite the peoples of the world in their heartfelt desire
for peace in our time, here on Earth!! The
program for this very special evening will include a Live Worldwide
Internet Broadcast with All One Now and the World Puja Network.
We will have very special guests speaking
global consciousness and the fostering of inner and outer peace. The
META Center program will continue after the broadcast with a special,
guided multi-dimensional Vibrational Healing Concert and World Peace
Meditation with vibrational sound healing experts and metaphysical
educators Jodi Serota and Zacciah Blackburn. Some
of the many guest speakers from around the world who will join the
web-cast to share their wisdom and experiences about peace include
Marianne Williamson, Wangari Maathai (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate), Fred
Luskin, Jane Goodall, Eliana Gilad from Israel, Georgio Di'
Angelo in
Assisi, Italy, Phil Gruber at the Vatican, Father Lyndon Harris, Daniel
Browers, Grandmother Pa'ris'ha, Maureen Moss and more! September 22nd, 8 pm EDT - Jonathan & Andi Goldman on 'The Tantra of Sound for the Fall Equinox' September 25th, 6 pm EDT - Tom Kenyon Live from New Mexico presenting: World Healing with the Hathors: Raising the Earth's SahuFor additional information on this event. Join us our on-going collaborative efforts
with the
The World Peace
Prayer Society, Global Link Teleconference
Login HERE for the live webcast Please come and offer your prayers for peace to prevail in each of the 196 countries on Earth LIVE with voices from around the world. Hosted by Fumi Johns Stewart, Executive Director of The World Peace Prayer Society
in collaboration with the All One Now Network
Additional information soon, along with our next teacher webcasts and teleconferences! To listen to the live broadcast, click here & login, at the listed time. (The program does NOT begin until the listed time, retry if your login fails.) To join in the above World Peace Teleconference, you may log in at the World Peace Prayer Society Teleconference page: Or simply call 641.594.7000 Pin Number 474779# at the appointed time. Support the World Sound Healing and All One Now Network! Join us for our live Concert for World Healing, in Burlington, VT
Saturday, October 20, 2007
FEATURING ZACCIAH AND A BAND OF ANGELS -An Evening of Healing Music, Sacred Chant, and Prayers for the Earth;-Awaken the Spirit Within You, Relax to Uplifting Sounds, -Deepen Connection to All Life INFORMATION HERE Tickets $10. Advance, $12. at door, $6. for students, children Free -Sponsored by the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies, and the Whole Health Expo: A Portion of the profit goes to the The All One Now Network If you could not Join us in this F/ree Live Web Cast and Joint Teleconference with the Sound Healing Network, click below for the linked archive: Master Violinist, Healing Music Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:30 - 9:30 PM EST, 5:30-6:30 PST Join us, with world-renowned violinist Daniel Kobialka, who embraces both the classic and the avant-garde in his search to create sounds that enliven and heal. At age 15 Daniel made his concert debut at Carnegie Hall, and also appeared as a soloist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Four years later, he made his critically acclaimed recital debut at Carnegie Hall. Daniel Kobialka was Principal 2nd Violinist with the San Francisco Symphony for over two decades, occupying the Dinner and Swig Families Chair. He has composed numerous albums with rich and vibrant patterns, uplifting and healing. Listen Live on line at, or join in our Teleconference, information on line.For information and phone number for the Sound Healing Network Teleconference, Click here. Join
us our own going collaborative efforts with the
![]() The World Peace Prayer Ceremony Global Link Teleconference Saturday, October 27, 2007 ~ 11:00 A.M., USA EST Invoke PEACE in each of the
196 countries and regions of the world. Hosted by Fumi
Johns Stewart,
Executive Director of The World Peace Prayer
in collaboration with the
One Now Network
To listen to the live broadcast, click here & login, at the listed time. (The program does NOT begin until the listed time, retry if your login fails.) To join in the above World Peace Teleconference, you may log in at the World Peace Prayer Society Teleconference page: Or simply call Pin Number # at the appointed time. |
View our free on-line short movie: THE CALL. A stirring 8 minute tribute reminding us of the Beauty, Sanctity, and Oneness of All Life. Send others this link so they may view it! OUR NEXT PROGRAMS: Join us in our upcoming programs with true legends and pioneers in the fields of sound healing, indigenous wisdom, and human consciousness development. Join your host of All One Now Broadcasts, Zacciah Blackburn ![]() as he speaks about the power of sound, healing, and consciousness, and how sound and prayer can be used to help us heal the planet. Zacciah joins Jonathan and Andi Goldman on their HEALING
at "frequency, consciousness, and how we can shift the world...." Wednesday, February 11th from noon to 1 PM EST, 9-10 PST (this will not be broadcast on ![]() How You Can JOIN IN: World Sound Healing Day 2009 "The Sound Heard Around the World" with Jonathan Goldman Join Your Host Zacciah Blackburn with top leaders in the field of sound healing at: SOUND HEALING CONFERENCE The Science and Spirit of Sound Omega Institute, Rhinebeck NY May 1-3, 2009 ![]()
us in our on-going collaborative efforts with
The World Peace Prayer Society: Our next live joint webcast and teleconference January
20, 2009 @ 9:00 pm EST.
World Peace will offer a special Teleconference for: Inauguration Day Prayers Renewing America's Dream See WPPS page for archive of this event ![]() with speakers from India and Pakistan Awakening Global Peace Consciousness What we can do to empower peace within our communities, with our neighbors and the world. Sunday, December 14, 2008 11:30 am EST 8:30 am PST 9:30 pm Pakistan
Hosted by Fumi
Johns Stewart, Executive Director of
The World Peace Prayer
collaboration with the
All One Now Network
We invite you to join in our next programs with: ![]() Dr's J.J. Hurtak &Desiree Hurtak THE KEYS OF ENOCH IF YOU MISSED OUR PROGRAM WITH THE HURTAKS, YOU MAY HEAR THE ARCHIVE AT THIS LINK Live, from Hiroshima, Japan Wednesday, August 6, 2008 A memorial service on the 62nd anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb. For each live broadcast, click here & login, at the listed time. (The program does NOT begin until the listed time, retry if your login fails.) Enjoy our recent archived programs:
All donations are highly appreciated, and are tax deductible. ![]() and The Keys of Enoch®
Dr J.J. Hurtak Ph.D.,
and Dr. Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
on Tuesday,
July 8, 2008
ARCHIVE AT THIS LINK Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. is a futurist, social scientist and author of many books including The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®. He is joined by his wife Dr. Desiree Hurtak who co-authored with him, The Pistis Sophia, Text and Commentary, an ancient Coptic text. They are founders of The Academy For Future Science, an international organization that works to bring an understanding of the science and consciousness of the multi-universe in which we live. The Hurtaks have been in the forefront of the human consciousness movement for decades. Can science and consciousness participate together in a planetary transformation? According to the Hurtaks, our next step in the evolutionary process is a quantum leap through both. Human consciousness is expanding into previously unreachable realms of understanding. The Hurtaks offer a blueprint for understanding our living universe, through The Keys of Enoch®. It has been called a code book of events past, present and future. Join us! The Hurtaks will, also, be presenting, along with our All One Now host, Zacciah Blackburn, at the IIIHS Annual Conference, Reconnecting Heaven and Earth, July 11-20, in Montreal, Canada. See for details! For each live broadcast, click here & login, at the listed time. (The program does NOT begin until the listed time, retry if your login fails.) Hear legendary pioneer in the field of human consciousness: Drunvalo Melchizedek Archived Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Click here for the Archive of the program. Internationally acclaimed Author and Teacher of The Flower of Life, Drunvalo will speak about his latest body of work, The Serpent of Light, the earth changes we are currently undergoing, and offer an important conversation on the latest messages from the elders of the Maya, Kogi, Hopi, Navajo, and other nations; the indigenous wisdom keepers' messages regarding these Earth Changes and this time of Great Transformation!! Listen to some of our latest archives, of these recent events: ![]() The Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo ARCHIVED: Monday, April 14, 8:30 PM EST THE STAR NATIONS & CONSCIOUSNESS Respected 27th Generation Cherokee healer and wisdom keeper, speaks of the power of the StarNations, their role in our lives, and their wisdom. **Free: WEB CAST ONLY** Click here for additional information on this program. This extraordinary teachers' programs are now archived here. (This is a Web Cast ONLY, not a teleconference) Our Joint Teleconference and Simultaneous Free WebCast with the Sound Healing Network: ![]() Mandara Cromwell Monday, April 21, 8:30-9:30 PM EST (5:30 PM PST)
This dynamic woman overseas the development and application of some of the latest and most effective technology in the sound healing fields, while co-ordinating one of the few international sound organizations of the world, as well as an international conference on Cymatics each fall. Come and join us in this eloquent conversation!!! Join us, as we explore the power
of harnessing the three most powerful energies of the Universe--Sound, Light and Magnetics! Can they really
regenerate and rejuvenate cells, tissues and organs? Find out how
they contribute to the dance of life, and how we can sip from the
Fountain of Youth...everyday!
Further information on Mandara's page.You may listen live on line or join us in the Teleconference Call, or, Login HERE for the live webcast at the listed time!
![]() TUESDAY APRIL 22, 2008 BENEFIT for PLANET HEART and WE, THE WORLD 2nd Annual WORLD PEACE EARTH DAY CELEBRATIONS: Celebrating our Planet, Healing Our Heart Login HERE for the live webcast at the listed time! See Further information Here Watch for additional upcoming programs!! Join
us in our on-going collaborative efforts to make a difference, with the
The World Peace
Society (WPPS), ![]() Global
Saturday, April 5, at 11am EST (USA)JOIN US, Live, and Free!! Login HERE for the live webcast Go to our WPPS page for information to join the teleconference
Hosted by Fumi Johns Stewart, Executive Director of The World Peace Prayer Society
in collaboration with the
All One Now Network
We deeply appreciate your donations, which are tax deductible. For each live broadcast, click here & login, at the listed time. (The program does NOT begin until the listed time, retry if your login fails.) If you wish to participate, and ask our guests questions, you may join us in our a Free Teleconferences, which are jointly hosted by the Sound Healing Network (an international organization of sound healers, educators, researchers, and others interested in the field of sound healing,) or listen here on line.
For information on how to participate in the teleconference, click here
For each live broadcast, click here & login. (The broadcast will be available at the above listed time, your media player will begin when the broadcast goes live, once you have signed in.) For International Time and Date conversion, click here. For Information on how to join in on Teleconferences, and for Help with Broadcasts, click here Also, Sign up for our newsletters to hear about further new programming, including leaders in the field of sound healing, elders of indigenous cultures, and world renowned leaders in the fields of human consciousness, spiritual development, and explorations into the new Paradigm::
and their Sacred Stones: From the Tour of Sacred Sites with master teachers of The Divine Masculine and Feminine Currents, the Michael and Mary ley lines, and the ancient stone temples which lay upon them, including
Sacred Sounds, Sacred Sites, Sacred Journeys Tour Beltane/May 2007 The Sacred Union: Honoring the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine principals of Heaven and Earth, within each of us: at the Avebury Stone Circle, England, the world's largest stone circle, and spiritual center of ancient England; While on a tour of Sacred Sounds, Sacred Sites, Sacred ![]() Live Sacred Sound event, see information here, Join us Free on line, or on the tour. Beltane, April 26-May 7, 2007 Join Us for Sacred Ceremonies, most
the Calendar Days - The Solstices and Equinoxes.
Free, Live internet broadcasts Planting the Seeds of Peace Working with World Peace Organizations, and internationally acclaimed healers and teachers, to assist us in planetary transformation. To listen to any web broadcast, simply log on to our sign in pages, and the link to free live broadcasts will appear!! Also use this link to join our e-mail list, or make donations to this work, a volunteer, non-profit, charitable service based organization. Your contributions are tax free, and will help us tremendously in continuing this work. We thank you. Our Spring 2007 April/May Beltane Events INCLUDED:
2 Programs from the UK, During the Time of "The Sacred Union":
Saturday, May 5, 5 PM EST (+5 GMT)
Healing Sound Ceremonies from the ![]() with Zacciah Blackburn and Glenn Broughton See Zacciah's comments on the nature of this program here.
![]() The Hathors, Mary Magdalene, and These Extraordinary Times a master teacher and spiritual guide Free WebCast ONLY Sunday, July 15,2007, @ 8:30 PM EST
Read about his enriching work with the Hathors, and information for this special day, and join in worldwide meditations Sunday, July 8. Information is at: He will join us the following Sunday, July 15, to speak about this work on our webcast, and about his special messages from the Hathors, and Mary Magdalene. Tom called for special World Prayers Sunday July 8, 2007. See his site for details on his special call for personal and world healing prayers and meditations. ![]() and the multiple call for world prayers, ALL ONE NOW is offering World Sound Healing Services in Vermont July 8 and 15. These are free services. If you feel called to join us, we welcome you, or ask you to join Tom and practitioners around the World, from wherever you are. We shall look for additional opportunities to join the growing call for world prayer, meditation, and ceremony. Do what you can to ensure this transformation to a realized, peaceful, just, and sustainable world. Details on our services are at: We ask for your donations to make these and other services, including these free web casts, continue! We volunteer our time, equipment, and services to provide these for you. Contribute on line, or by phone or mail: Your contributions are tax deductible! ![]() A lifetime of achievement, pioneering new directions in the field of sound healing Joint Teleconference and Simultaneous Free WebCast Tuesday, July 17, 2007 @ 8:30 PM EST >>>IF you couldn't join us in the live Broadcast with Dr. Thompson you may listen to the Archived Broadcast here Some of the vast areas of Expertise we shall explore with Dr. Thompson:
![]() Judi Sion, with Tom Kenyon HELP THE NUNS The Chants of the Tibetan Nuns The Sound Healing Foundation The Hathors Sacred Sound Temples Sunday, August 12, 8:00 PM EST 5:00 PM PST If you missed this wonderful broadcast, you can listen to the archive here. (We apologize for some technical difficulty in the broadcast.) Judi Sion, will be joined by her partner Tom Kenyon, to speak about their experiences with, and the mission of the Sound Healing Foundation, a nonprofit organization they have founded and direct, to create and maintain Sacred Sound Temples in the world, and to preserve the Sacred Music of indigenous peoples of the world. Their current focus is on the chants of Tibetan nuns. They have created extensive recordings, the only known in the world, and are offering them for sale, with proceeds going directly to the nuns in Tibet. Judi will share about these experiences. Tom will speak about the Hathors, his work with Sound Healing, and their call for special Sound Temples. More information is available on Judi and Tom's page. Tom and Judi make a rare East Coast appearance July 27-29, in CT. See for more information. Join us in a collaborative effort with ![]() Sunday, August 5, 2007, 7-8 PM EST Hiroshima, Japan, memorial services on the 62nd anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb. IF you couldn't join us in the live Broadcast Aug 5, you may listen to the Archived Broadcast here ![]() join with Fumi and
her staff, live, in ceremonies from the
All Archived links to
WPPS events are here.World Peace Prayer Society A Call To Peace Festival, at the World Peace Sanctuary, Amenia, NY Honoring the Ancestors of the Land
Ceremony invoking prayers for each of the Native American
Tribes of the
United States (over 200) led by a native Schagticoke Elder.
Prayers for peace to prevail in each of
the 50 states with the flags of each state.
The World Peace Prayer & Flag
Ceremony******** Hosted by Fumi Johns Stewart, Executive Director of The World Peace Prayer Society in collaboration with the All One Now Network ![]() An early & continuing pioneer in the field of sound & music healing Joint Teleconference and Simultaneous Free WebCast Tuesday, August 21 @ 8:30-9:30 PM PM EST, 5:30-6:30 PM PST If you missed this broadcast, you can listen to the archive here. Steven Halpern is one of the world's leading composers and recording artists of music for relaxation, wellness and “sound health.” For over 30 years, he has pioneered and promoted the healing powers of music through his recordings, books, media appearances and workshops. He is the author of Sound Health, numerous articles and a syndicated monthly newsletter. Steven’s music has been heard on CBS’s 48 Hours, ABC’s 20/20, Oprah and John Bradshaw’s PBS-TV series, “Homecoming and Creating Love”. He has produced over 60 recordings in the Inner Peace® and Soundwave 2000™ Subliminal self-help series. Join us in this stimulating program regarding his work and views on the nature of sound healing. ![]() CODING THE EARTH Wednesday, September 26 8:30 - 9:30 PM EST, 5:30-6:30 PST If you missed the broadcast, listen to the archive here. Sacred Sites, Cathedrals, Crop Circles and the Coming Human Evolution. Discovering subtle energies behind ancient temples, cathedrals and genuine crop circles, and how they are altering human consciousness. Freddy Silva is the best-selling author Secrets In The Fields, and one of the world’s leading researchers on sacred sites, and the interaction between temples and evolving human consciousness. A life-long student of Earth Mysteries and ancient systems of knowledge, he lectures internationally and has appeared on The History Channel, Discovery Channel, and BBC. Saturday,
September 29th, 2007, 11:00 - 11:45 AM EST
offering a special Web Cast
of The World Peace Prayer Ceremony -
Global Link Teleconference
Hosted by Fumi
Johns Stewart, Executive Director of The World Peace Prayer
Society in collaboration with the All One Now Network
Global Link
October 13th, 2007, 11:00 - 11:45 AM EST
Hosted by Fumi
Johns Stewart, Executive Director of The World Peace Prayer
in collaboration with the
All One Now Network
Support the World Sound Healing and All One Now Network! Join us in our live Spring Concert of Sacred Sound ![]() ![]() MOLLY SCOTT, SHUBALANANDA Zacciah
Blackburn, & Friends
Saturday, March 8, 2008 * 6:30 PM at the Clarion Hotel, Northampton, MA An
Evening of Healing
Music, Sacred Chant, & Prayers for the Earth
This is a LIVE EVENT, it is NOT A BroadcastThis is a fundraising event for our work at All One Now, we welcome your support! Additional INFORMATION HERE |