![]() Join In Online for FREE newsletters about the wisdom traditions, updates about FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. View Our Latest Free Movie: The Call World Sound Healing is a non-profit project of Spectrum Arts & Education for Peace, Inc., uniting with organizations world wide, to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders, and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines worldwide, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. ![]() FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. Invite Your Friends Live worldwide web broadcast of these events is sponsored by The World Sound Healing Organization Follow this link for a viewing of our f/ree on line video, The Call, a stirring 8 minute tribute reminding us of the Beauty, Sanctity, and Oneness of All Life. Join our broadcasts of many luminous teachers in the field of human consciousness, and traditional elders of indigenous wisdom. Do what you can to serve this magnificent Earth, to preserve and protect Her, and Her many Peoples, and to help in this time of great Human Transformation. Share this program message with others. We thank you, www.allonenow.org The
power of sound touches and moves us deeply because we are
vibrational beings in nature. Cultures the world over use sound
to attune, invoke, and transform consciousness.
integrating prayer, song, and chant, with clarity and intent, we
can create a magical framework of healing potential for us and the
planet. We have the power to transform.
We are uniting with organizations world wide to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. (See our Home or Future Events & Hosts and Guests page for complete listings.) If you can assist our efforts, by making any contribution, we are deeply grateful. It will insure that these and other services, including our free web casts, continue! We volunteer our time, equipment, and services to provide these for you. Contribute on line, or by phone or mail: http://www.worldsoundhealing.org/keepinformed.php Your contributions are tax deductible! We thank you immensely! Your Host for All One Now Broadcasts: |
Dr J.J. Hurtak
Ph.D. and
Dr. Desiree
Hurtak, Ph.D.
Live on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 8:30 PM EDT (5:30 PM PDT)
( +5 GMT)Join us!!! IF YOU MISSED OUR PROGRAM WITH THE HURTAKS, YOU MAY HEAR THE ARCHIVE AT THIS LINK with Dr J.J. Hurtak Ph.D., Ph.D. and Dr. Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. Can science and consciousness
participate together in a planetary transformation? According to the
paraphysical textbook The Keys of Enoch®
first published in 1977, our next step in the evolutionary process is a
leap through both. New scientific research ranges from the use of
chemical compounds to stimulate stem cells to regrow tissue, to an
understanding of our multiverse and of surrounding life forms, as well
as ET
events throughout the world.
At the same time, human consciousness is expanding into previously unreachable realms of understanding. The Keys of Enoch® is a
blueprint for understanding our living universe. It has been called a
code book
of events past, present and future. From information on the “DNA-God
direct association of DNA to the numerical associations of biological
—to the structural alignment of Egypt’s Great Pyramid with the distant
“belt of
Orion’”, this book has been at the forefront of many discoveries over
the past
thirty years. The blueprint also includes information about multiple
levels of
extraterrestrial and ultra-terrestrial intelligence, as well as about
planet’s development and previous cycles of existence.
For More Information on:
A Word From ALL ONE NOW: More and more elders and wisdom keepers are sharing how important it is to do the work at this time. "The Great Work" is, truly, an internal process of aligning with our higher being, but it also engages the concepts so many indigenous teachers suggest, of living in harmony and balance with the Earth. We are on a threshold, a precipice. We at All One Now are offering this body of work, these broadcasts, as a simple means to reach many with the messages of indigenous wisdom and the teachings of many traditions, including leaders in the field of human consciousness development of modern contemporary societies. We ask that you do your part: Do something for the Earth today. Conserve, pray, collect litter, write your representatives, write a letter to the editor, sing, heal, tell stories, appreciate the beauty of the Earth. See our 8 minute movie The Call, on the beauty of the Earth! This is a free and heartfelt offering honoring the beauty and sanctity of the Earth and her peoples. Many Blessings www.AllOneNow.org We are a non profit volunteer organization. Your contributions are highly appreciated, allow our work to continue, and are tax deductible. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. are social scientists, futurists and founders of The Academy For Future Science, based in six countries including The Hurtaks have worked extensively in developing countries to synthesize a social and philosophical understanding of ancient myths and religious beliefs with an eye towards how they apply to the larger cosmic dimension. They have traveled throughout the world and continue to work closely with many indigenous people, including the Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa and the Xavante Indians ( Website: www.keysofenoch.org *********************************************************************
Now is a venture of World Sound Healing, in co-operation with
individuals and
organizations seeking positive change for all humanity. World Sound Healing is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization project of Spectrum Arts and Education for Peace, inc., dedicated to world peace. Your tax-deductible donations, memberships, volunteer assistance, and respect for each other, are highly appreciated, and will insure the continuation of these services.
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