![]() Join In Online for FREE newsletters about the wisdom traditions, updates about FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. View Our Latest Free Movie: The Call The World Sound Healing Organization, and All One Now Network, is a non profit organization, uniting with organizations world wide, to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders, and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines worldwide, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. ![]() FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. Invite Your Friends Live worldwide web broadcast of these events is sponsored by The World Sound Healing Organization Follow this link for a viewing of our f/ree on line video, The Call, a stirring 8 minute tribute reminding us of the Beauty, Sanctity, and Oneness of All Life. Join our broadcasts of many luminous teachers in the field of human consciousness, and traditional elders of indigenous wisdom. Do what you can to serve this magnificent Earth, to preserve and protect Her, and Her many Peoples, and to help in this time of great Human Transformation. Share this program message with others. We thank you, www.allonenow.org The
power of sound touches and moves us deeply because we are
vibrational beings in nature. Cultures the world over use sound
to attune, invoke, and transform consciousness.
integrating prayer, song, and chant, with clarity and intent, we
can create a magical framework of healing potential for us and the
planet. We have the power to transform.
We are uniting with organizations world wide to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. (See our Home or Future Events & Hosts and Guests page for complete listings.) If you can assist our efforts, by making any contribution, we are deeply grateful. It will insure that these and other services, including our free web casts, continue! We volunteer our time, equipment, and services to provide these for you. Contribute on line, or by phone or mail: http://www.worldsoundhealing.org/keepinformed.php Your contributions are tax deductible! We thank you immensely! Your Host for All One Now Broadcasts: |
A FREE ALL ONE NOW WEB CAST, with ![]() Patricia Cota-Robles Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:30 PM EST (5:30 PM PST; +5 GMT) If you missed our broadcast you may hear an archive of it here at any time! Noticing any unexplained changes in your every day life, especially in your perceptions of time and energy? What is going on? Talk with reknowned leader of human consciousness awareness, Patricia Cota-Robles. Mark the energies coming, in this year of New Beginnings. The focus, at this time of incredible transformation, is upon Humanity opening up to our natural birthright of Abundance. Join us with this remarkable speaker. Additional information: ~ From Patricia's web pages, and her Cocreating the NEW Archetypes for
Humanity’s Abundance This is the moment we have all been working toward, the moment we knew would one day arrive but were afraid we would not see in our lifetime. This is the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness will be reversed, and the NEW Archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance will be established on Earth. For some time now, the Company of Heaven has been telling awakening Humanity that one of the greatest needs of the hour is for us to attain our financial freedom. This is a vital and necessary facet of the Divine Plan. The viable solutions for all of the maladies existing on Earth are beginning to flow from the Realms of Illumined Truth into Humanity’s hearts and conscious minds. In order to bring these powerful solutions into physical manifestation, awakened people need to have the financial support to bypass the old paradigms of greed and corruption that caused the problems in the first place. At this very moment, there are patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that contain the practical solutions to our energy crisis, global warming, disease, poverty, aging, hunger, homelessness, war and every other human miscreation. ****** The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have said that this year, 2008, will go down in the annals of history as the Cosmic Moment when Humanity’s descent into poverty consciousness was reversed by the unified efforts of Lightworkers everywhere. The Beings of Light have affirmed that this is the year in which Humanity’s ascent into the Infinite Abundance of our Father-Mother God will be reclaimed as our Divine Birthright. ****** This is a New Day on Planet Earth, however, and we have reached a critical mass of energy, vibration and consciousness that is lifting us into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Together, this year, we will cocreate the NEW Archetypes for Humanity’s Abundance and establish a new paradigm on Earth based on the infinite flow of Abundance from our Father-Mother God. Through our unified efforts, our Victory is assured! *******It is an irrefutable natural law that God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace are inseparable aspects of our Father-Mother God. Without God’s Abundance, Eternal Peace will not be sustained, and without Eternal Peace, God’s Abundance will not be sustained. When we fully comprehend this Truth, we begin to glimpse the magnitude of the opportunity that is being presented to Humanity this year. The facet of the Divine Plan, which is now being revealed to us by the Company of Heaven, involves every man, woman and child on Earth. This is true whether a person is aware of the plan or not. Since your I AM Presence brought this information into your conscious awareness, it means that you have a greater ability and a greater responsibility to work with the Beings of Light in bringing this activity of Light to fruition. For this complete newsletter and additional information on Patricia and her sacred work, see: http://eraofpeace.org/latest-news.php http://eraofpeace.org/ Additional Biographical information is below.
THis is a WEBCAST ONLY For live broadcasts, at the listed time, click here & login.
Biographical information: PATRICIA DIANE COTA-ROBLES Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, Inc., which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination. Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her Weekly On-line Radio Program, Website, Books, CDs, Tapes, DVDs, E-mail Articles and Free Seminars. The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but extremely challenging times on Earth. Patricia is publisher and editor of the monthly newsletter Take Charge of Your Life, and she hosts a weekly On-line radio program with the same name. The radio show airs Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the On-line Community for Positive Change, www.7thWaveNetwork.com. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and has taught workshops in the former Soviet Union, Ireland, England, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Canada, Greece, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, France, Bali, Turkey, Japan and throughout the United States of America. She participated in the Soviet-American Citizens’ Summit in Moscow and represented the United States in the category of Holistic Models in Health, Psychology and Healing. Patricia also participated in the first Global Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Patricia had the honor of being a presenter at the “Call to World Peace from the Universal Brotherhood” gathering in Istanbul, Turkey, and the “Symphony of Peace Prayers,” which was a gathering of over 10,000 people that took place at sacred Mt. Fuji in Japan. Patricia's philosophy
is: Every person is precious and Divine, regardless of how far his or
her behavior patterns and life experiences may be from reflecting that
Truth. We are not the victims of our lives. We are the cocreators of
our lives. *********************************************************************
Now is a venture of the The World Sound Healing
Organization, in co-operation with individuals and
organizations seeking positive change for all humanity. The World Sound Healing Organization is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization project of Spectrum Arts and Education for Peace, inc., dedicated to world peace. Your tax-deductible donations, memberships, volunteer assistance, and respect for each other, are highly appreciated, and will insure the continuation of these services.
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