![]() Join In Online for FREE newsletters about the wisdom traditions, updates about FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. View Our Latest Free Movie: The Call The World Sound Healing Organization is a non profit organization, uniting with organizations world wide, to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders, and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines worldwide, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. ![]() FREE Streamed Soundings, Four Times a Year, The weeks surrounding the Earth's Equinoxes and Solstices. Invite Your Friends Live worldwide web broadcast of these events is sponsored by The World Sound Healing Organization Follow this link for a viewing of our f/ree on line video, The Call, a stirring 8 minute tribute reminding us of the Beauty, Sanctity, and Oneness of All Life. Join our broadcasts of many luminous teachers in the field of human consciousness, and traditional elders of indigenous wisdom. Do what you can to serve this magnificent Earth, to preserve and protect Her, and Her many Peoples, and to help in this time of great Human Transformation. Share this program message with others. We thank you, www.allonenow.org The
power of sound touches and moves us deeply because we are
vibrational beings in nature. Cultures the world over use sound
to attune, invoke, and transform consciousness.
integrating prayer, song, and chant, with clarity and intent, we
can create a magical framework of healing potential for us and the
planet. We have the power to transform.
We are uniting with organizations world wide to create a world at peace, at one with each other. We are also working with indigenous elders and accomplished leaders in spiritual and healing disciplines, to bring forward the insight and wisdom they have to offer. (See our Home or Future Events & Hosts and Guests page for complete listings.) If you can assist our efforts, by making any contribution, we are deeply grateful. It will insure that these and other services, including our free web casts, continue! We volunteer our time, equipment, and services to provide these for you. Contribute on line, or by phone or mail: http://www.worldsoundhealing.org/keepinformed.php Your contributions are tax deductible! We thank you immensely! Your Host for All One Now Broadcasts: |
For any current live broadcast, click here & login. ~Broadcasts are available only at the listed times~
Joint Teleconference and Simultaneous Free WebCast with the Sound Healing Network:
Dr. Molly Scott, Ed.D. Using Sound to Travel Through the Layers of One's Personal and Transpersonal StoryWednesday, October 22,8:30-9:30PM EST (5:30 PM PST) For any current live broadcast, click here & login. ~Broadcasts are available only at the listed times~
Archives are usually available later.) Join Dr Scott and other internationally respected teachers in the field of consciousness and sound healing: All One Now is a proud sponsor of the 4th Annual Conference ofthe Sound Healing Network, Oct 31, Nov 1-2, 2008 in Rowe MA ![]() Biographical information and web
Dr. Molly Scott, Ed.D.LMHC, JP is a therapist, singer, poet, and pioneer in the field of sound and consciousness and the use of the embodied voice in psychotherapy, She has a doctorate in counseling psychology and has presented her Creative Resonant training throughout the U.S. and Europe. Her background in theater, television and music informs her deeply intuitive understanding of the power of sound to affect body/mind change. She directs the Creative Resonance Institute and maintains a clinical practice and consultancy in Shelburne Falls, Mass. She is currently integrating her sound/centering work with horses in equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) programs. Her recordings include “We Are All One Planet”, “Honor the Earth and Each Other”, “Sound of Light, and “Sanctuary: Songs of Hope and Healing” on the Sumitra Label. Molly is an Advisory Board Member of the Sound Healing Network. For more information, visit: www.mollyscott.com For live broadcasts, at the listed time, click here & login.
Now is a venture of the The World Sound Healing
Organization, in co-operation with individuals and
organizations seeking positive change for all humanity. The World Sound Healing Organization is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization project of Spectrum Arts and Education for Peace, inc., dedicated to world peace. Your tax-deductible donations, memberships, volunteer assistance, and respect for each other, are highly appreciated, and will insure the continuation of these services. _____________________________ |